Super Saturday

Hello everybody! It’s Saturday once again! Can you believe it? I feel like I was just here typing my very first Super Saturday. I guess it’s a good thing that the work week went by so quickly, but on the other hand I can’t believe how quickly time seems to be flying by! I just wish we could pick and choose the days and moments that go quickly, and those that pass slowly.

Here’s some things I’ve been doing/dreaming about/drooling over this week!


Books and Tea

I actually haven’t started anything new this week. Can you believe it? I did finish The Fault in Our Stars, and my short thoughts… Such a wonderful book, and also one of the saddest I’ve read. I found myself tearing up constantly, and needed to take frequent breaks so that I wouldn’t dissolve in a ball of tears. I highly recommend it though- definitely a worthwhile read. I have my bookclub this week, and I’m really looking forward to hearing what my fellow book club members thought about it!

I am almost finished with Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and I am excited to start the next book soon- The Goblet of Fire. With The Prisoner of Azkaban things start getting much more intense, and even though I know what happens and how things turn out, I am still finding the story to be such a page turner! Still so suspenseful!

Dreaming about:

Speaking of all the reading I’ve been doing, I’ve been dreaming about someday having a wonderful space in which to get lost in a book. How perfect are these spaces?!

Reading Nook

Source: Boston Design Guide via Pinterest

Reading Nook2



Or if I ever become a millionaire…

Amazing Library

The Biltmore Estate: Source:

Drooling over:



The weather this week has continued to be pretty hot and humid, and so I’ve once again been craving summery foods, like ice cream. I plan on busting out my ice cream maker this week and putting it to good use. We also just gave my dad an ice cream maker for his birthday, so in researching some good recipes to give him, I found myself craving ice cream even more. Here are some of the recipes I’ve been salivating over:

Coconut Raspberry Ice Cream (Vegan) from Two Peas and Their Pod

Mocha Madness Oreo Ice Cream from Tracey’s Culinary Adventures

Coconut Mint Ice Cream from Love and Lemons

Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream from Confections of a Foodie Bride

Toasted Marshmallow Coconut Milk Ice Cream from How Sweet It Is

Chocolate-Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream from Brown-Eyed Baker

Cheesecake Ice Cream from The Curvy Carrot

Oh man, I could go on and on and on……


My garden is doing pretty well so far this year, despite the multitude of critters that live in the backyard. They’ve eaten some of my herbs, but haven’t touched all of them, and those they have eaten are growing back. Despite a rocky start, it looks like I might possibly get some cucumbers… I do have some flowers! I have a bunch of little green tomatoes growing, so I’m hoping those start to ripen soon, and I’m also hoping that my jalapenos will start to grow soon- I have some flowers on those plants as well!

Cherry Tomatoes


Cherry Tomatoes






Basil and Parsley









Lusting After:

This Fern-Print Dress 

from Loft

from Loft

These Stone Seahorse Coasters

from MadebyDeedle on Esty,com

from Esty

This cute Wristlet

from LiReca on

from LiReca on

These beautiful bowls

from RossLab on

from RossLab on

2 thoughts on “Super Saturday

  1. I love the C. S. Lewis quote! I also LOVE the pictures of the libraries 🙂 The second one looks the coziest but the last one is by far the most awesome!!!!!! I would LOVE to have a library like that one…that would be like a dream come true 🙂 Your garden is looking great too! Keep those bunnies away!

    • Having a library like that would be my ultimate dream if I ever become extremely rich! … but the first two will actually be doable someday, hopefully! I love to watch the bunnies, and groundhogs out in the backyard… as long as they stay away from my plants, I am happy to have them live back there 🙂

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