Super Saturday

Okay, so maybe I need a better name for this new “series” I’m thinking of doing, but Saturdays are super and you have the alliteration, so I think it works for now 🙂 Some of my favorite posts on blogs I read are posts that talk about what the author is reading/doing/pinning/craving, and because I also do things other than cook, and want to share things other than delicious recipes from time to time, I thought I’d do a weekly series where I talk about randomness in my life. Books I’m reading, movies/shows I’ve been enjoying, places I’ve gone to or restaurants I’ve eaten at, inspiring things I’ve seen on Pinterest, etc… whatever goes for this series. I think it’ll also be nice to have a time capsule for myself when I look back at these posts in the future, as I’ll be able to remember what was going on a year in the past for example.

So here’s what’s going on!


I’m in the middle of a reading frenzy right now and I’m loving it! I have always loved reading, but I go through phases where I just don’t read as much as I want to. For a while I was only reading my books for the book club I belong to and really nothing else, and even those books were taking me a long time to get through. It wasn’t even because they weren’t enjoyable… I just wasn’t making the time to read. There was always something else I felt I should be doing instead… and it wasn’t important things either… I was just getting distracted by Pinterest (which I love, but don’t have to spend 100% of my time doing), magazines (again, which I love, but shouldn’t be my only reading material), TV… just anything and everything that wasn’t a book. I seem to have finally broken out of that, and have been making time to read everyday, and I feel so great about it! I feel like my brain is re-growing brain cells.  Speaking of Pinterest… I saw this on Pinterest and it really spoke to me:


Also this:


So just what am I reading? Well, I seem to have gone to the opposite end of the spectrum, and am now reading not just one book, but five.

The Fault in Our Stars

1. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I am reading this for the book club I belong to. I’m almost finished with it, and I’m really loving the story of two teenagers in love, who also happen to have cancer, and yes, it is as sad as that sounds. It’s funny, and heartbreaking, and it would be a very quick read, if I didn’t feel I had to put it down after every chapter with fear that I am going to burst into tears. I don’t read sad books, or watch sad movies that often due to this propensity for crying easily.

Game of Thrones

2. Game of Thrones (A Song of Fire and Ice, Book 1) by George R.R. Martin. Like many, many people I know, I have also become hooked by the HBO series based on these books, and I figured that it’s high time I read the series… especially since we have to wait until it comes out on DVD to catch up on the adventures of the Starks and Lannisters. This is Ron’s favorite series of books, and so I borrowed his copy, and got down to reading. I’m not very far in, but so far it is pretty much exactly like the television series- it seems the adaptation is extremely faithful.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling- I already read the whole Harry Potter Series years ago, but I thought it was about time for a rereading. I am on the third book and it is still as great as I remember. I just love the magical world of Harry Potter, and while the books are for children/teenagers, they are no less exciting to me as an adult. Now I’m really in the mood for some butterbeer!

John Dies at the End

4. John Dies at the End by David Wong- The movie adaptation of this book is one of the funnest/wackiest horror movies  I’ve seen this year. When I was at my parent’s house for the 4th of July, my brother Patrick had a copy which he had just finished, and asked me if I wanted to borrow it, so of course I had to say yes, and start reading it despite already reading 4 other books. The more the merrier, right? I’m only a couple of chapters in, and it is exactly like the movie so far (or vice versa). If you like weird horror movies, I would definitely recommend the movie.. and I have a feeling I’ll be recommending the book as well.

The Omnivore's Dilemma

5. The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan- I need some kind of nonfiction book in my lineup, right? I’m only in the first section of this book (all about corn), but I have a feeling it’s going to give me some things to think about when I’m shopping at the grocery store in the future. I haven’t read any of Michael Pollan’s works, although I’ve certainly heard of him, and thought, since he just came out with a new book (Cooked) I should start reading one of his earlier ones and catch up.


New Girl

New Girl– Last summer, my aunt mentioned this show as one she was really enjoying and thought I’d like too… and I’m embarassed to say I only just started watching it this week. In my defense, Ron and I don’t have any sort of television channels whatsoever. We watch a lot of movies on DVD, and shows on Netflix, so we have to wait until things come out on DVD or on Instant Watch to actually see them. New Girl has been on my DVD queue for a long time now, but it is now on Instant Watch!!!! Yay!!!! As soon as I saw this, I started watching it, and now I am hooked. It’s quirky and hilarious, and I am loving it! Zooey Deschanel is fantastic, and I hope this show goes on for a while!!

are you afraid of the dark

Are You Afraid of the Dark? – So I mentioned this last week, but Are You Afraid of the Dark? is on Amazon Instant Watch!!!! I have been enjoying this immensely! Seriously, putting an episode of this on instantly makes my day better if it’s been a tough one. Some of the episodes are a little cheesy, but still fun nonetheless, and there are some legitimately good ones. I’m going to be sad when I finish watching all the available episodes.

Drooling over:

Photo Source:

Photo Source:

Popsicles– So, after seeing a multitude of amazing looking popsicle recipes this week, I have decided it’s high-time I finally buy new popsicle molds!!! I can’t keep putting it off, especially now with temperatures rising into the 90s! Popsicles will be a great way to make some delicious and health(ier) treats for the summer. Here are some of my favorites:

Sparkling Strawberry Pops from Cooking Light

Creamy Mango Pops from Living Life Brightly

Double Berry and Coconut Pops from An Edible Mosaic

Honey Yogurt Berry Pops from Joylicious

Coconut Macaroon Pops from Cooking with Alison

Roasted Strawberry and Toasted Coconut Pops from Joy the Baker

Lusting after:

This Lobster Tote Bag 

From MaineUptown Studio on

From MaineUptown Studio on

This Kitchen Island Table

from the Butcher Block Co.

from the Butcher Block Co.

This Julia Child-inspired print

From Susan Newberry Designs on

From Susan Newberry Designs on


This Seahorse Print Dress

From Target

From Target

I hope you guys enjoy this new series! I’ll be back later today with a recipe 🙂

6 thoughts on “Super Saturday

  1. Love the post and definitely think you should keep the series up! I was actually thinking of something similar, and you’re right about it being somewhat of a time capsule as to what you were into at a given time 🙂 I love the lobster tote, oh my god so cute!!! The seahorse dress is definitely an Emily dress, I think you need to get it. Also love the island. And thanks for the ping back 🙂

    • I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂 I would love it if you did something similar!! Isn’t the Lobster tote awesome?! I’ll have to see if I can find one that’s just a little cheaper and buy it to go with my lobster apparel collection I’ve got going on haha…. and yes, I have to locate that seahorse-print dress. I love it so much!!

  2. This is a great new series! I love it! Being far away it’s a great way to keep up. I know exactly what you mean about reading. I feel like I am either keeping up with all my magazines (only 10 of them) and not really reading anything else, or I am reading 2 or 3 books and falling behind on my magazines! I have read all of Michael Pollen’s books and really have learned so much from them. I love the island and the print with the quote from Julia Child! I am sad because we just finished all the episodes of Gray’s Anatomy which I never thought I would like but ended up loving…so now I am sad. It’s always hard to find and get into a new series. I feel like this is when I fall back into re re re watching my old favorites 🙂 Will check back later for your recipe. If you know of any really good stir-fry recipes using beef I am looking for one 🙂

    • I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂 I’ll definitely have to keep it up! I’ve actually never watched Grey’s Anatomy, but I have always enjoyed medical shows like ER and House. I’ll have to watch it at some point. I really struggle to find a balance between reading magazines vs. books- definitely something I am trying to work on, because I love both and want to keep up with both. As for beef stir-frys- I haven’t tried many, but I did make the Beef Bulgogi recipe from Everyday Food: Great Food Fast a long time ago and liked it. (Let me know if you need the recipe!) Here are a couple of links to other recipes I haven’t tried but look good- Beef with Peppers (Pioneer Woman), and Beef with Broccoli. I’ll have to experiment with some more stir fry recipes!!!

  3. Thanks for the recipe suggestions 🙂 I think the Pioneer Women recipe looks the best. I printed it out but maybe it’s in my cookbook I have and just missed it somehow. I will let you know how it turns out.

    • You’re welcome 🙂 Most of the recipes she has on her website are not in her cookbooks, so it’s probably not in there. Hopefully it turns out well- it looks delicious!

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